Let’s talk about… Try Me

by Agnese Alstrian

Within Bristol’s small independent scene, a duo called Try Me releases one hit after another. The project, composed by Bendy Wendy and Hector Boogieman, with its music has created a DIY, lively and colourful universe, open to anyone who wants to “just want to have a good time” (as they sing in one of their most loved songs, Good Time Goggles).

Musically, Try Me define themselves disco-punk: dance and electronic backing tracks and simple melodies that remain carved in your head, impossible not to dance to. The punk attitude directs them towards precise aesthetic and lyrical choices: Try Me are multi-coloured, ambiguous and restless; they play with genres and appearances, sing with lightness and wit, alternating voices with perfect synchrony, often focusing on bizarre and out-of-the-ordinary stories. This is the case of their new single, Heavy Lunch (released on April 24th): the song (accompanied by a funny video clip self-produced by the group) tells of a pig-boy who eats so much that he gives birth to a food baby; the chorus is a stream of consciousness of food, in which the pig-boy, left alone with his own culinary fantasies, lists all the delicacies he’d like to have in his stomach.

In conclusion, seeing is believing: in the world of Try Me anything can come to life and turn into something extravagant, hilarious and never banal. You won’t be disappointed.

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